Resident Associations

At SRS we understand the need for residents to have a voice and support the formation of Residents Associations. We can help and guide you through this process including the formation of a Constitution for your Association. Sue Earnshaw comments

“The Residents Association makes all our lives much easier.  Our relationship is one of teamwork – it’s not a ‘them and us’ scenario – both parties want everyone to feel happy and secure.” – Sue Earnshaw (Director)

The article ‘What’s in it for me?’ featured in issue 15 of Flat Living magazine.

Right to Manage

The Commonhold & leasehold Reform Act (2002) introduced the Right to Manage.

This is the Legal right of the leaseholders in a block of flats to enable the transfer of the Landlords management function to a different management company. It does not mean that residents must self manage; they can appoint a management company of their choice. They then have considerably more input into the running of their development THEIR HOME AND THEIR MONEY.

The opportunity of Right to Manage is an important right for leaseholders but it has serious responsibilities so the decision to form a Right to Manage committee should be considered carefully.

SRS can help you through this process and offer secretarial duties if required. You can get more information on this by referring to the Leasehold Advisory Service.

Property Developers

Select Retirement can work with retirement apartment developers from the planning stage through to a completed build program. We can give advice on Service Charge levels, Lease obligations, recruitment of house staff and development management.

Please use our contact us page to make your enquiry.